Thread: Play in my mount
28-02-2017 #1
Hi Guys.
So i have a Kress router FME150 mounted onto my CNC.
I finally got the machine cutting yesterday, but noticed it had a little play where the mount is attached to the gantry mount.
How do i tighten it?
I tried to take the Kress out of the mount, but it feels near enough impossible without taking the gantry off.
See the pic.
28-02-2017 #2
Hi Craze,
My guess is that the plate bolted to the spindle mount is loose. It looks as though you need to take out the Kress and tighten up the backing plates, but there is not enough detail in the photo to be sure.
Alternatively, you could just knock that red wedge in
01-03-2017 #3
Damn. Was really hoping to not have to do that. The kress is a nightmare to remove.
What other pics do you need?
Did try the red wedge but it was too thick lol.
Oh is it worth getting a new mount with a vacuum mount built on, or can you get attachments for the current mount?
Sent from my SM-N930F using Tapatalk
01-03-2017 #4
01-03-2017 #5
My guess is that you have this mount and there is a plate bolted to the mount, which in turn bolts to the Z axis and it is the plate bolted to the mount which has worked loose.
If that is so you will need to dismantle and reassemble using threadlock. There is also the possibility that the bolts are slightly too long and are bottoming on the thread. Anyway, you will need to get it apart to see what is going on.
Yep, the red wedges are too thick, try a green one
01-03-2017 #6
01-03-2017 #7
01-03-2017 #8
01-03-2017 #9
01-03-2017 #10
GES is just one of my expressions.
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