I have been on the internet for the past couple of days and I have somewhat better understanding of this entire endeavour. Until something better comes along as an alternative Omio will be my choice of machine.
I have been looking at both the X6 and X8 and I lean more towards the X6. The X8 is bigger and that's nice but if I ever upgrade to larger work area I'd like to have a taller machine too.

I'd like to ask for advice on is which flavour of X6 to choose? There's the X6 USB and the X6 EPL. In the USB version a computer links to the router and feeds it gcode and the EPL version reads a storage device with gcode on it, if I understand correctly. I don't use computer for my 3D printers and I like it that way but I'm worried that the EPL version allows for less versatility in terms of the program that spits the gcode. Is my thinking even right? I'd like to get a second opinion on that.
Links to X6 USB (https://www.omiocnc.com/products/x6-2200l-usb.html) and X6 EPL (https://www.omiocnc.com/products/x6-2200epl.html)

The general way I would ideally approach this entire business is to buy a decent, not too expensive router now and when I have decent amount of experience build a great machine myself. We'll see how well it all turns out, hahah.