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  1. Morning chaps,

    all being well I will be setting the machine up in its new workstation this evening and installing the licensed software from Planet CNC. When I was messing around with the jog I noticed I am able to make the machine go to the edge of the bad and make contact on the axis, what I mean is that the motor is trying to keep moving the axis but as the axis is not able to move any more is wont go and doesn't sound nice at all. Is there a way to setup some sort of parameter within the software so that it knows the limit of travel, basically ther machine will stop movement once it gets close to making contact with another part of the machine that is preventing from moving any further? I have seen limit switches but was wondering if there is anything else besides these as im not too sure how to install them. Any help would be great

  2. #2
    Typically you will have at least one switch per axis that is used for homing. That is, when you first fire up the machine at the start of every session, you "home" all axes. The software moves the axis in the direction of the limit switch; when it trips the software now knows exactly where the hardware is. A better-specified machine might have limit switches at the other end of travel as well that detect if the software tries to drive the axis beyond limits. Without these (and I'm talking Mach3 here although I assume that your motion-control software will do something similar) you can set up soft limits. That is, limits that enforced by the software rather than external hardware. Less reliable, depend on the initial homing being done, etc, but a lot of people will use both - soft limits set just within the hard limit values. Soft limits will often stop you doing something stupid but hard limit switches at both ends are the final belt-and-braces that will stop the machine if it all goes pear-shaped.

    Depending on the type of limit switches your machine has, it is probably not difficult to add further limit switches at the other end of X and Y. Usually there is no lower Z axis limit switch as down travel depends a lot on tool length, etc. Z home/limit is usually at the top of travel. Most people probably have the home position at X=0,Y=0, but it is possible (Mach3 again) to set the home position at the other end of travel if that is more convenient. I helped a friend set up his machine where the orientation in the workshop meant that he wanted X=0 to be at the LH end, but the home switch was at the RH end. So we just reconfigured the X home position to be X=900 (or whatever it was).

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Neale For This Useful Post:

  4. right I think I understand that, I doubt my machine actually has limit switches installed, will have to have a look, but they do not seem to be expensive, just looks a but daunting in regards to how to install them and get them talking to the pc. I was hoping the software would be enough but if it can be unreliable then I will go with the actual switches

  5. WHat do you think of these switches for the limits and homing?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ravihotwok View Post
    WHat do you think of these switches for the limits and homing?
    They are cheap switches but better than nothing. Surly the machine must have homing switches and if it has you should be able to set soft limits.

    Take a step back and look at the machine and get to know it before you start playing with wires etc. How about some good pictures.
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  7. the machine is at my mates house but hopefully will be fetching it round to my workshop later tonight so will take a load of pics and post them up mate. Couldn't see any switches on it. It is a 3020t model

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ravihotwok View Post
    the machine is at my mates house but hopefully will be fetching it round to my workshop later tonight so will take a load of pics and post them up mate. Couldn't see any switches on it. It is a 3020t model
    How about a link to it then
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

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