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  1. I totally agree, once i have done this wiring do you think im better leaving the spindle unplugged at the motor just while I make sure the software is communicating etc?
    Enthusiastic with CNC stuff but a proper novice so be gentle
    My build blog:
    Chinese 3020t Build

  2. right its been a long while since i last updated this, I sent the control box back to planet CNC as it was faulty, I received it back pretty quickly a good while ago but have yet to plug it all in.......until tonight. Well the results were a bit disappointing,and now the motors will only move one way. I have sent another email to planet but even though im about £600 down on this control box I think I may need to buy another one which is wider used. Can anyone offer any advice as to if I should persevere with this box of just cut my losses and move on?

    There are LED's on the front of the cnc control box but I cannot find anywhere what they mean as one of them is flashing and another is flashing red which obviously means something :-(
    Enthusiastic with CNC stuff but a proper novice so be gentle
    My build blog:
    Chinese 3020t Build

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ravihotwok View Post
    right its been a long while since i last updated this, I sent the control box back to planet CNC as it was faulty, I received it back pretty quickly a good while ago but have yet to plug it all in.......until tonight. Well the results were a bit disappointing,and now the motors will only move one way. I have sent another email to planet but even though im about £600 down on this control box I think I may need to buy another one which is wider used. Can anyone offer any advice as to if I should persevere with this box of just cut my losses and move on?
    Too early to call. But I'm a big fan of fixing, rather than replacing random bits.

    You say "the motors will only move one way" - you're referring to the axis stepper motors? (the last part of this thread was discussing the spindle motor, but from the tense of your comment here I think you're talking axis?.

    On the assumption you're talking axis...

    What's changed?, just the control box? (which eliminates, to some degree) software set-up in Mach3 (assuming this is what you're using). Assuming that it's just the control box then it's unusual to lose all three axis at once. That to me sounds more like a configuration issue than failure (though lets not rule that out!)

    How are you testing each axis?, front-panel switches, or from G-Code loaded into Mach3? Have you tried both? If the front-panel - are you saying that, eg, "Left moves left, Right moves left"?, or "Left moves left, Right doesn't move"? - it helps to understand better the nature of the problem.

    If following a failure-more: You're now playing a diagnostic game. At least with losing one direction off one or more axis you can do some sensible diagnostics pretty easily (the step/dir interface typical of these boards means that the direction line is somewhat low frequency and easily measurable/set-able). I'd be looking to scope the dir signal with the axis being driven alternate directions. If no scope, then DVM, if no DVM then LED & resistor, and so on. You'd be wanting to start at the control board, then move to the stepper drivers. Even a visual inspection might help, though I guess you've done this. The control box looks to be wired with IDC connectors - you might have to knock a diagnostic lead up that breaks-out the DIR line (or allows you to drive it 0/1 without shorting the control box).

    For me - not enough info at this time, I appreciate you're probably frustrated - and that's the worst frame of mind to diagnose problems with - at least for me. Try breaking the problem down to succinct points and either understand each of them, or post them here to be critiqued.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravihotwok View Post
    There are LED's on the front of the cnc control box but I cannot find anywhere what they mean as one of them is flashing and another is flashing red which obviously means something :-(
    From the manual:

    2.2.11 Mk3/4 LED indicators
    The user is provided with helpful feedback and live ‘status’ information via on-board LED indicators. There are four indicators.
    POWER: Lights when the controller is powered.
    DATA: Indicates controller functions.
    LINK: Indicates controller communication.
    STATUS: Blinks to indicate controller function is ‘good’.

    Which are flashing?, it sounds like at least one should be.

  4. well im afraid this is a bit of a humble response. The machine appears to be working fine lol. Im not sure why as im still learning the software but the axis on the screen where coloured red. The ones which were coloured red were the onces which would move correctly. I had a play with the limits (nto exactly sure what im doing) and they went back to normal and not red, this allowed normal travel while jogging.

    I have also managed to set the limit switches up so now ever axis will stop just before its normal end of travel.

    This is a massive milestone for me!!! Faith has been restored in the machine and control box.

    Now all I need to do is learn how to set it up correctly which is way above my head. Been looking online and even the most basic of tutorials seem a bit advanced. Lots of special terminology to take in.

    I think the first thing I need to get my head around is homing, which im still a bit in the dark with lol

    Main thing is the machine is jogging correctly and when I type for example x10 the spindle moves exactly 10mm, ive tested all axis in all directions and confirmed all is good. Sounds daft but im soooo chuffed to even be able to do that
    Enthusiastic with CNC stuff but a proper novice so be gentle
    My build blog:
    Chinese 3020t Build

  5. well I have a massive update (well for me anyway)

    actually got the machine to home to 0,0,0 last night. Doesnt look like much but for me this is a massive deal and big step forward to getting closer to doing some actual machining.

    Here is a small vid I sent to my mate, ignore the spazzy commentary lol

    Enthusiastic with CNC stuff but a proper novice so be gentle
    My build blog:
    Chinese 3020t Build

  6. #6
    Well the place you have homed to is machine zero. You then jog to the corner of your part then touch off with x,y and Z this then becomes your work offset G54 where your part is actually located on the bed.
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  7. #7
    Keep at it Ravi. One small step and all that, for us novices anyway! :-)

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