@ Boyan Silyavski,

As expected, your pics shows these cheap crap HVLPs without having the needles extracted. For example, the so called "K3" is a cheap copy of the Iwata's HVLP - I guess you already know that. According to instructions, the yellow marked screw need to be extracted in order to release the spring and slide the needle out and clear the way to easily clean the parts. None of this can happen and as far as I see in your picture, you also cannot remove the needle. So, I wonder how you clean the needle... or maybe you dont?

Show the K3 FULLY disassembled! Can you? I bet not! Know why? Because these screws (that should be possible to be extracted) are manufactured by Chinese copy makers as one part fixed on aluminum body.

Long story short? As said before, I was fooled by your enthousiastic review and believed that these cheap crap can do the job. Obviously, they cannot