. .
  1. #1
    Hello hoping someone can help me., I recently bought a Pacer cnc which works exactly as it should as far as i can tell. It is XMC-E version Model cadet with Nee controller. This was purchased for my second income as I have used Pacer software so I wanted to preferably stick with that and it is working from a PC with Windows XP. My stumbling block is I want to be able to create 21/2 d carving etc with bullnose and I spoke to technical support at Rhino but unfortunately with no joy.
    I know it is doable as this is the same set up we had at Artform when I worked there so I just need to replicate this is at all possible and hoping that someone can point me in the right direction . Thanks.

  2. #2
    phill05's Avatar
    Lives in Derbyshire  UK, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 20 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 300. Received thanks 28 times, giving thanks to others 13 times.
    Have a look at Vetric V carve pro http://www.vectric.com/ will do all you want toolpaths can be saved as Pacer tap files.


  3. #3
    Thanks Phil as it happens I've been looking at v carve and aspire for some time and was going to call them again tomorrow for some more advice. I have to convince myself that the set up will work. I have an iMac and the general consensus is to get vectric on the iMac via virtual space and then prepare everything on iMac send file to a dropbox and from the Pacer terminal which is XP open. This is where I think it needs some tweaking in a post processor or something from what vectric were suggesting.
    This potentially sounds a bit scary and don't want to mess anything up on the Pacer. I know it's doable as many years ago this is the set up Artform had and it worked well just no idea how it worked, wish I was a bit more computer literate then. I will look into this a bit more so thanks again.

  4. #4
    phill05's Avatar
    Lives in Derbyshire  UK, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 20 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 300. Received thanks 28 times, giving thanks to others 13 times.
    Quote Originally Posted by rainboweyes View Post
    Thanks Phil as it happens I've been looking at v carve and aspire for some time and was going to call them again tomorrow for some more advice. I have to convince myself that the set up will work. I have an iMac and the general consensus is to get vectric on the iMac via virtual space and then prepare everything on iMac send file to a dropbox and from the Pacer terminal which is XP open. This is where I think it needs some tweaking in a post processor or something from what vectric were suggesting.
    This potentially sounds a bit scary and don't want to mess anything up on the Pacer. I know it's doable as many years ago this is the set up Artform had and it worked well just no idea how it worked, wish I was a bit more computer literate then. I will look into this a bit more so thanks again.
    After you have a chat with Vetric I use Aspire and could send you a test sample file saved using the pacer post processor to see if it works for you.


  5. #5
    Thanks Phil I would like to take you up on this offer if possible. I spoke to Vectric during my dinner break but didn't really get long enough but it sounded like it was possible. Please send to [email protected] and we'll take it from there. Thanks again.

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