I bought a £150 Linx 1010 tablet a few months ago that came with Win 10 Pro, and I can't fault the tablet or Win10. One thing I'd found previously with cheap tablets, was the screens were rubbish, but this one is excellent for the money. I bought it for being used outside at events, hence not wanting to spend any more than I had to, and it's perfectly useable in all but the brightest of daylight.
I'm sure you could get something with as good a screen cheaper, but this model had already been tested by someone I know.

Since then I had to buy a new main laptop, and specced Win 10 pro. I find it just works, and is far more usable than previous incarnations of windows. As I read elsewhere, if you try using it like how you used previous versions, then you'll get frustrated. Spend the time learning how to use it how it's meant to be used, and it's far better.

With 10 Pro, you get the option to pause updates, but I've found no need to use it. Although I maybe should of done last month when it decided to chew through 1gb of mobile data during an event as it decided to download a MSSQL service pack, but it was smart enough not to install it as the database was in use.