Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
I find Windows 7 Ultimate perfectly usable, given that my computing requirements are based around 3rd party modelling, CAD/CAM and CNC software how would Windows 10 improve my user experience?
If what you've got works, then there isn't any reason to upgrade. Only reason I finally went to 10, was because my old Win 7 pro Dell finally died. I won't deny my first experience of 10 was not good, but now I've used it on some decent hardware, I now prefer it.

I find it's the subtle things like to launch a program on the desktop, just click the search box, and start typing the name. It remembers what program you normally launch that starts with that letter, and if that's what you want you just need to type one letter, hit enter, and the program gets opened. Win 7 you had to either double click a shortcut, dig through the start menu, or wait for the search to find what you want.
I no longer have a task bar full of icons, or a desktop cluttered with shortcuts.

Then in the file explorer, there's a quick access list of folders that you regularly access. In 7, I had to edit my favourites list to add/remove regularly used folders. The quick access list in 10 automatically adds any folder you've opened a more than a couple times recently and bumps of any you've not accessed recently.

The best way I can think to describe it overall, is you had to make 7 work for you, whereas 10 adapts to how you work, provided you let it.

One thing to be aware of is how 10 works varies depending on what it's being run on, and how it's been configured.
My tablet can be set to desktop or tablet mode. Tablet mode forces most windows to fullscreen, removes the taskbar, and lets you swipe between apps. Desktop mode lets you resize windows, and have multiple windows visible, and adds the taskbar but it means you need an accurate touchscreen (or connect a mouse). Start button opens a start screen similar to 8. Swiping from the right edge opens a quick setting window.

On the laptop, it's got a very similar feel to 7. Start opens a conventional menu like you get in 7 and earlier, with an 8 style box tacked on the side (MS have to peddle their app store somehow!). Biggest problem is usually finding the right settings page, but search is your friend there.