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  1. #41
    Some cheap Parallel Port cards will work well and some won't, you may have to try a few before finding one which works reliably, I haven't had to start testing the ones I've collected yet and may yet move to an integrated stand alone controller before I need to add a parallel to a PC that shipped without one.

    It's worth starting a new thread to ask if anyone has PP card recommendations, you'll get a lot of external and stand alone motion controller recommendations but you only need one good card recommendation to get you working, one of my best hopes (but untested so far) is a StarTech as in the past I have used their stuff successfully to get legacy hardware working on newer PCs in industrial applications.

    Forget about XML files, all they are is a way to copy and transfer an already completed manual configuration, it's simpler to manually configure unless someone with exactly the same setup can provide you a copy of their XML file.
    Once you have your system working the config XML file which Mach 3 uses to store it's settings is one of the things you keep a backup of as this allows you to copy your setup to a new installation of Mach3.

    Your laptop does look to be the right kind of age and a PP on a dock has a better chance of working than an integrated laptop PP (5v VS 3v), suck it and see is the only way to find out for certain unless someone else has successfully used the same hardware.
    You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by A_Camera View Post
    Windows 7 32 bits is the last one supporting parallel port, so you can't use anything better than that.
    Later versions of Windows bring nothing to the party for serious Productivity Users, just the usual Microsoft "Change For It's Own Sake" and whistles, bells and novelties for Kiddies, Gamers and Non-Technical users who can't find a file, a programme, or indeed their arse with both hands, so I would argue that nothing later is better than that. :D
    You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by magicniner View Post
    Later versions of Windows bring nothing to the party for serious Productivity Users, just the usual Microsoft "Change For It's Own Sake" and whistles, bells and novelties for Kiddies, Gamers and Non-Technical users who can't find a file, a programme, or indeed their arse with both hands, so I would argue that nothing later is better than that. :D
    I may not agree with such blanket statement, but this is outside the scope of this thread and forum. Of course, for a Mach3 user with parallel port nothing is better than a W7 32 bits, but regardless, the PP is a dinosaur so it doesn't matter.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by A_Camera View Post
    the PP is a dinosaur so it doesn't matter.
    When using metaphors it's always good to be reasonably representative, I think the point of Dinosaurs is that there are no live ones at all, unless of course you know of many thousands still running around somewhere? :D

    I'd have gone with Indian Tiger or something else where there is still a functional population but where long term prospects were not good ;-)
    You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D

  5. #45
    hi,there guys my machine is a cnc6040Z USB, Im using my original board JP-3163B v3.9 like photo i showed awhile ago ,now i have a problem with my Y axis it wont move just makes a growling sound , but when power is off i can manually move it and no problem,X and Z no problem .Can anyone help me remedy this? thank you:)
    Last edited by Schematicsman; 04-02-2018 at 05:46 AM.

  6. #46
    Assuming you've setup Mach correctly (particular the motor tuning, with sensible accelerations and velocities - keep it simple/low performance - 100/400 respectively to start with, and 5us pulse-width)

    Swap the output wiring (plug on the card?) from the X axis with the Y axis, to see if the problem is truly related to one channel on the controller (i.e. if having swapped the wiring the X-axis starts failing then the problem likely lies with the board). At that point you're limited to checking DIP switches etc on that channel - or full blown fault finding which I guess is likely outside your comfort zone given the nature of this question.

    If you had access to a scope, I'd be looking to trigger/display a waveform on the step pin on the input from the 25W D-type whilst monitoring the CLK (pin 3 on the TB6560) to check that the signal was getting through cleanly. Then verify the signal on CW/CCW pin (pin 21) to verify that's clean - though that is not indicating a problem from your description. If those signals are clean, then the problem is either with the TB6560 or the PCB itself - visual on solder pad/dry joints.

    If the signal on the step-pin is good (it should be - if not look back up your chain from the parallel port cable to PC) and the CLK pin on the 6560 is crap, then you need to look at the performance of the opto-isolator that decouples the parallel port to the controller.

    Edit: Added a missing bit:

    If, having swapped the axis, the Y axis still fails, then look at the integrity of the wiring from the board plug to the motor. Check for continuity between pin-pairs, and no continuity between the pairs (i.e. pins A+B = low impedance; C+D = low impedance, A+C = high impedance... just up to you to find the mapping of A,B,C,D onto the plug). If that's wrong - then it's either the wiring at fault, or the stepper itself.
    Last edited by Doddy; 04-02-2018 at 07:57 AM.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Doddy View Post
    Swap the output wiring (plug on the card?) from the X axis with the Y axis, to see if the problem is truly related to one channel on the controller (i.e. if having swapped the wiring the X-axis starts failing then the problem likely lies with the board).
    Word of warning here don't unplug with power on else you'll blow the drives up.!

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
    Word of warning here don't unplug with power on else you'll blow the drives up.!
    Sorry, yes, agreed with that - unplugging any powered inductive load with a semiconductor-based drive system built on a budget is asking for trouble (and you can be sure that a stepper under power will have current flow through at least one set of coils)
    Last edited by Doddy; 04-02-2018 at 10:42 AM. Reason: clarification

  9. #49
    Hi, guys I found and fixed the problem ,as I was working in the box accidentally one of the wires from the Y axis connector was out .Thank you very much for all your help. saved me having to fork out for a new board ...:)
    Last edited by Schematicsman; 07-02-2018 at 06:50 AM.

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