
so I'm just gonna keep this as a log for now. I've been looking at the forum and threads. I like it. Like some people have said threads can be a bit sticky or get de-railed, but never the less are entertaining and crammed full of information.

For now, I'm going to keep on reading, looking at build threads and picking up on good design, terminology and the essential mechanisms etc... Again if anyone knows any good video tutorials that goes through a machine bit by bit then I'd love that.

I'd also still love know what one of you thinks a self build to similar specs of the t-690 routing centre by excel would cost. Have any of you seen any self builds which are similar i.e documented with vacuum beds and filtration etc..?

Like i said in my earlier posts, I'm probably going to buy an off the shelf, unless someone can build one on here for me... or is there something that I can buy off the shelf and modify easily? but thats for my first machine. I have a feeling that once i get one I'll want to build my own. And after a few years will do so, because from what I've read on this forum self builds are they way to go.

