25-12-2010 #1
Best Wishes and Seasons Greetings to all. Here's hoping Santa has been kind and delivered all the goodies you asked / dreamed for.
If you should by chance partake of a little too much ChristmasCheer, may your hangovers be slight.
My thanks to Lee and Irving for keeping things running smoothly and to everyone for the encouragement, knowledge and humour that makes this place what it is.
TimTim G-C
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
(attrib. Voltaire but written by Evelyn Beatrice Hall "The Friends of Voltaire" 1906)
25-12-2010 #2
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy new years CNCing
25-12-2010 #3
BAAAAARRRR Humbug!! :)
thanks to Lee and Irving
cheers to everyone for all the help n advice xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
25-12-2010 #4
Seasons Greetings to all and thanks for the kind words... its a labour of love :lol:
25-12-2010 #5
Happy Christmas all and promise to make much merrymaking and not swarf ....
If the nagging gets really bad......Get a bigger shed:naughty:
25-12-2010 #6and not swarf ....
30-12-2010 #7
Happy New Year,
and a belated merry Christmas
09-12-2011 #8
I would like to wish all MYCNCUK members a very Merry Christmas
and also with out your help I would be a failing father to my son.
thanks to all that have helped with the Luke11cnc it will NOT be a project collecting dust in the corner of the garage but making lots and lots of it's own dust
again a humble thank you and a Merry Christmas to all
11-12-2011 #9
Meryy Xmas mate.
TomSherline lathe, Chester DB11V lathe, Myford/ Rodney mill, CNC mill Isel/ home made, Sealy Hack Saw, Meddings Pillar drill.
11-12-2011 #10
James. from what I've seen of your project in your posts here, you're doing something absolutely awesome with your son.
What ever stage you've reached with your project, you've got there by your willingness to take the first steps, having the courage to ask for help when you needed it and not letting pride get in the way of putting that help to good use.
With or without a finished project, it already sounds like you're making a fine rolemodel!
Merry Christmas :)
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