Quote Originally Posted by Davek0974 View Post
Hi, its a fun project for sure :)

If you have the funds, I would recommend the CSMIO range - top quality and more I/O than any build will need, I've added bells and whistles to my BP and still have spare I/O ;)
Hey up Dave

Thanks for you advice.
It seems too expensive , but I have looked and looked again and I know your right, but i keep thinking the money I save will pay for a Z axis servo.

I was also looking at the Masso ,Cmsio and the chinese XHC MKX-IV axis.
But I am like a kid with a tanner in my palms and the old woman saying well choose some sweets but not the ones you want , only those you can afford.
Its looking like I will have to get another tanner and turn it into a bob(shilling, not break out board).

Its a tough decision is this one.