Quote Originally Posted by suicidal_orange View Post
Thanks again JAZZ, that went slightly beyond the question asked!
Well suppose yes but same time no not really because only gave you the basic run down and you'll need to know this info to come up with good design/machine which suits your needs.

Quote Originally Posted by suicidal_orange View Post
A 400x400 cutting area will take up nearly double the space compared to my planned 400x200 which is already bigger than I can think of a use for - why do you recommend this size? I'll need a bigger table!
Well, really it was just to give an idea of a small machine with a reasonable cutting area that gave little room to expand from what you think you need.!!

Like I said size is relevant to the user or purpose. However, I can tell you as will others with 99.9% certainty that when getting into CNC you'll want to tackle larger jobs and soon even 400x400 won't be enough.!