Quote Originally Posted by Clive S View Post
Don't forget you will need hold down clamps on the table as well.
This is why half of me still thinks I should buy a near useless <£150 Chinese 1610 or similar - I can't forget about clamps as I'd never thought of them! Just had a look and seems you're supposed to make them out of wood so can't really see how much bed I'll lose. Very random...

Thanks for pointing out what should have been obvious!

Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Like I said size is relevant to the user or purpose. However, I can tell you as will others with 99.9% certainty that when getting into CNC you'll want to tackle larger jobs and soon even 400x400 won't be enough.!
I've just measured and I have 405x910mm of table so 400x400 travel isn't going to fit. That leaves me with two options: 400mm (or bigger? Don't think there's any point...) fixed gantry with 200mm travel bed using a rack and pinion (no room for a motor on the already small 200mm axis or a 300/350mm fixed gantry (depending how thick the sides are) with 450mm travel bed, which could use ballscrews.

Apart from the drive everything will be the same apart from lengths so I can plan most of it and decide on the size later (you and everything I've read say you always want bigger so if budget allows why not)

I'm now wondering how much weight the table can take though, and whether it needs to be level and/or flat. I was thinking 4 feet in the corners would be sufficient as the frame will be rigid by design but hadn't considered weight at all. Any suggestions for testing a table without destroying it?!

I still have plenty of reading to do - thanks again for the solid intro.