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  1. #21
    I'd try and make one of your USB solutions work.

    The Nvum controller seems a good place to start.

    Join this forum then read this thread back to back, you are not alone.

    This guy has an updated beta driver

    He has same controller as you, should be able to help you get going and is a forum member on industryarena.

    I had a lot of the same issues. Went to win 7 32bit and a lot of them stopped. Still have a few issues but the router now runs for hours no problem.

    Before I went back to 32bit operating system I tested on another 64 bit system and had the same issues. I was about to buy a different controller but decided to format and try again. Turned out to be something in the 64 bit operating system. Took me months of frustrating fault finding after work.

    The nvem now happly runs my Alpha 1300x2500 router and has paid for it's self several times over.
    Last edited by Desertboy; 24-02-2018 at 11:38 AM.
    http://www.mycncuk.com/threads/10880...60cm-work-area My first CNC build WIP 120cm*80cm

    If you didn't buy it from China the company you bought it from did ;)

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Neale View Post
    That one really narks me - first thing after startup these days I overwrite the feed rate to 3000. Initial jogging at 6mm/min is awfully tedious...
    This is what annoys me when people knock mach3 when really it's the user ignorance. If you go into General Config you'll see initialization String just enter the feed you want into there and will always be set to that when Reset.

  3. #23
    I thought that I had tried that (it's obvious that there are initial settings and I did look for and find where they were set) but it didn't work. So, probably user error rather than user ignorance in this case! I'll have another look - thanks. It's only a nark, hardly a show-stopper, and less important than not being able to dual-axis home with my IP/M. But I used one of those with my eyes open and I can work round that easily enough. Mach3 works well enough for me but there are always odd items where you think, "I wouldn't have done it quite like that!"

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Neale View Post
    hardly a show-stopper, and less important than not being able to dual-axis home with my IP/M. But I used one of those with my eyes open and I can work round that easily enough.
    This can be done with IP-M if you want to do it. Just takes little out of the box thinking but agree it would have been better if Cslabs made it possible in software.

  5. #25
    This one's frustrating because they clearly have the code to do it in the IP/S - maybe the IP/M processor is at the limit of its memory? Maybe it's a marketing decision to make people buy bigger?

    I did wander outside the box. One solution would be to add in a little bit of electronics to do the homing. However, that would have to sit between the IP/M and the EM806 and receive/transmit differential signals. That's not a big deal but it's just a little bit more complicated than "just" sticking an Arduino in there with 5V single-ended signalling and it wasn't worth the effort. I also looked at setting up two different machine profiles, with a second one that treated the two slaved axes as separate axes. You can configure Mach3 to home these simultaneously, and I think that this would have worked except that it looks as if you can only have one IP/M profile that loads for every Mach3 profile. Because the IP/M profile knows about slaving, you can't do it.

    Current workaround is home the machine normally, then hit e-stop which takes power off the steppers. Manually turn the slave axis pulley watching the LED on the home proximity switch, and in effect manually go through the Mach3 homing sequence. Not as accurate as it probably only goes to the nearest whole step (because of stepper cogging effects) but given that that's max 5/200mm error (5mm pitch ballscrew), about a thou in old money, and at one end of a 1000mm gantry, that's not a whole lot out of square.

    But if there's a better way - I'm not too proud to nick other people's ideas!

  6. #26
    m_c's Avatar
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    A couple miniature relays, and some simple logic could be used.

    Something like this flow should work-
    Initiate homing.
    Axes move towards home sensors at usual speed.
    When first homing sensor is triggered, it powers a relay which disconnects the step signals to that axis.
    When second homing sensor is triggered, it does the same, but both home sensor signals are also summed to trigger the IP/M homing input.
    Once the IP/M input is triggered, both relays get de-powered.
    Homing then reverses the axes, and the process repeats.

    Admittedly just stopping the step signal may lead to a bit of an abrupt stop, but you could switch the drives enable signal on the higher speed approach, so each axis coasts to a stop, then switch the step signal on the retract, which should happen at a much slower pace so an abrupt step stop shouldn't be a problem.

    For the relays, something like a EC2-5NU (5vdc coil, or EC2-24NU for 24vdc) would work nicely for switching the step signals.
    You'd probably need a couple more for the logic, but that with a couple flip-flop type configurations, and independent homing should be implementable externally with the controller thinking it's just homing normally.
    If you can't figure out the required wiring, let me know, and I'll add it to my list of things to do.
    Avoiding the rubbish customer service from AluminiumWarehouse since July '13.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by m_c View Post
    A couple miniature relays, and some simple logic could be used.
    Yes your right M_C that's exactly how I do it and was going to post all this but really this is not the place and distracting from the OP question so think it's best left alone or if somebody's bothered enough start another thread.

  8. #28


    Finally I have electrons going in and out of the right places on the NVUM motion controller.
    It was the plugin. The supplier kept assuring me they had provided the correct one. Big surprise, they hadn't. Got hold of the v2.1 plugin and it leapt into life. I've offered to tell them how to get it working if they settle my invoice for about 5 hours of my time!

    The bit of signal conditioning I referred to earlier is simply due to the highZ inputs. The opto inputs only sink about 1.8mA and switch on at around 2v, that could be a problem from noise pickup. So a 680R pullup and 100nF capacitor to GND plus a 3v zener to raise their transition voltage should make them much more immune to spurious signals. As observed before there are no isolation or common mode problems with opto inputs.

    Now just need to connect it to the rest of the gubbins....... (and find out if USB is as flaky as suggested).

    MANY MANY Thanks for all the help and suggestions.

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