Quote Originally Posted by m_c View Post
It does sound like the belt is flapping around, but I'd be wondering why, as unless somebody has recently been slackening the motor of, it shouldn't suddenly become slack. However the spindle does seem a bit noisy in general, but that could just be the video.

Also it heating up that quick is not a good sign. I'd be taking the motor of, and giving the spindle a spin by hand to see how it feels. I'd also be checking for play with a DTI, but to check for correct adjustment, you really have to take the cylinder and the top support housing/bearing of, as the top bearing will mask any play in the main spindle bearings.
The reason for this is that the mounting system is not ideal. The bolts are also not locktighted (is there such a word) which means that they can and will come lose.

Ive seen another way to do a servo mounting, which is the extend a shaft down and keep the motor mounted higher up. When I did this mod (this is my old machine), I opted to do something to get me running as my DC motor had died. Multiple ways to deal with the bolts coming lose (there are only 2), ideally 3 or 4 if possible.

The bearings might be tired, perhaps if the lot is being stripped / sorted, a new motor mount could be machined and used that is better than what I had originally put in place.