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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by SaporeCNC View Post
    Hello everyone

    I mention my problem I have connected the spindle vfd and when I turn with the mach3 it only travels
    at 12000 rpm and I can not vary its speed ...
    Anyone know what might be happening ??

    Thank you
    Can you give details of how you have connected it and have you changed any parameters in the VFD
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by SaporeCNC View Post
    Hello everyone

    I mention my problem I have connected the spindle vfd and when I turn with the mach3 it only travels
    at 12000 rpm and I can not vary its speed ...
    Anyone know what might be happening ??

    Thank you
    First have you enabled the Spindle and set Analog output pin in the plug-in. Until this is done you won't be able to control the speed.
    In the plug-in there is also a setting for Acceleration/deceleration set this to 24000.
    You will also need to set the pulley speeds in Mach3 and setup the spindle in ports & pins.

    Also check the VFD accepts 0-10v and not 0-5v. Some VFD's can be set to use either.

  3. #13
    Hello, thank you for your time

    I pass the parameters that you enter in the VFD and I also add an attachment with the wiring of the VDF HY 3Kw 220v to the CSmioIPM and the data that you enter in the Mach3

    I hope you can guide me and see why I turn the engine only at 12000 rpm

    thank you very much

    Pd001 - 1
    PD002 - 1
    PD003 - 300 (frecuencia predeterminada)
    PD004 - 300 (frecuencia nominal)
    PD005 - 300 (frecuencia de gama alta)
    PD008 - 220 (voltaje de gama alta)
    PD009 - 15 (voltaje del extremo medio)
    PD010 - 8 (voltaje de baja tensión)
    PD011 - 200 (frecuencia mínima permitida)
    PD014 - 4 (tiempo de aceleración)
    PD015 - 6 (tiempo de desaceleración)
    PD046 - 9
    PD052 - 2
    PD070 - 0 (entrada de control de velocidad)
    PD072 - 300 (frecuencia alta)
    PD141 - 220 (Voltaje nominal del husillo)
    PD142 - 8.6 (Amperaje nominal del husillo)
    PD143 - 2 (Número de polos)
    PD144 - 3000

    gracias !!!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	VDF a CSMIO IPM a Mach3.jpg 
Views:	737 
Size:	590.1 KB 
ID:	24487
    Last edited by SaporeCNC; 28-06-2018 at 10:27 PM.

  4. #14
    Pd001 - 1
    PD002 - 1
    PD003 - 300 (frecuencia predeterminada)
    PD004 - 300 (frecuencia nominal)
    PD005 - 300 (frecuencia de gama alta)
    PD008 - 220 (voltaje de gama alta)
    PD009 - 15 (voltaje del extremo medio)
    PD010 - 8 (voltaje de baja tensión)
    PD011 - 200 (frecuencia mínima permitida)
    PD014 - 4 (tiempo de aceleración)
    PD015 - 6 (tiempo de desaceleración)
    PD046 - 9
    PD052 - 2
    PD070 - 0 (entrada de control de velocidad)
    PD072 - 300 (frecuencia alta)
    PD141 - 220 (Voltaje nominal del husillo)
    PD142 - 8.6 (Amperaje nominal del husillo)
    PD143 - 2 (Número de polos)
    PD144 - 3000
    check PD002 If it is set to one then check the jumper next to the screw terminals that you have to set. If it is on the right pair , the control is via the front knob. If it is on the left pair the control is via an external pot connected to the screw terminals.

    PD003, 4 , 5 I think should be 400

    PD142 is the current rating for the spindle if its 3Kw try about 13 2.2Kw would be about 10
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  5. #15
    Hello, thanks for the answer
    I still have no result, some other advice!


  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by SaporeCNC View Post
    Hello, thanks for the answer
    I still have no result, some other advice!

    Ok then, what how have you wired it? have you changed the parameters in the VFD. No one has a crystal ball!!
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  7. #17
    hello if you change them and nothing like the same always rotates at the same speed ...

    in a previous post is the scheme of the connection and the parameters you enter in Mach 3

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