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  1. #1
    Hello everyone
    Does anyone know how to configure the Chinese VFD HY on mach3?
    I have it with the controller csmio ip-m
    It is all connected and configured in mach but the mill only rotates at 12000 rpm and can not change it from mach MDI

    these are the values entered in the VFD panel

    Pd001 - 1
    PD002 - 1
    PD003 - 400 (default frequency)
    PD004 - 400 (nominal frequency)
    PD005 - 400 (high-end frequency)
    PD008 - 220 (high-end voltage)
    PD009 - 15 (middle end voltage)
    PD010 - 8 (low voltage voltage)
    PD011 - 200 (minimum frequency allowed)
    PD014 - 4 (acceleration time)
    PD015 - 6 (deceleration time)
    PD046 - 9
    PD052 - 2
    PD070 - 0 (speed control input)
    PD072 - 400 (high frequency)
    PD141 - 220 (Nominal spindle voltage)
    PD142 - 8.6 (Nominal spindle amperage)
    PD143 - 2 (Number of poles)
    PD144 - 3000

    and the diagram shows how the mach3 is connected and configured
    but it only rotates at 12000 rpm

    thanks for your help
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	VDF a CSMIO IPM a Mach3.jpg 
Views:	743 
Size:	590.1 KB 
ID:	24519  
    Last edited by SaporeCNC; 06-07-2018 at 03:27 AM.

  2. #2
    So, with Mach3 commanding 24000 RPM the VFD displays 12000?, then whats the voltage across VI and ACM on the VFD?

    With Mach3 commanding 12000 RPM the VFD displays 6000?, whats the voltage across VI and ACM on the VFD?

    With Mach3 commanding 6000 RPM the VFD displays 3000?, whats the voltage across VI and ACM on the VFD?

  3. #3
    Doddy consults
    I am new to the subject. Where do I see the voltage that you tell me?

    thanks for your time

  4. #4
    Clive S's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaporeCNC View Post
    Doddy consults
    I am new to the subject. Where do I see the voltage that you tell me?

    thanks for your time
    Look here from you other post thread http://www.mycncuk.com/attachment.ph...7&d=1530221175

    Within the VFD terminal strip
    Last edited by Clive S; 06-07-2018 at 12:18 PM.
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  5. #5

    Sorry, I shouldn't presume any experience:

    You're discussing a system where the Spindle is being controlled by an analogue voltage, between 0-10V, provided via Mach3 through the CSMIO. To understand if your problem is with the Mach3 set-up, or the CSMIO, or the VFD, the easiest indicator is the analogue output from the CSMIO to the VFD.

    I've read into your description that the FOW control works (so issuing an M3 command starts the spindle, at 12000RPM), but any speed command fails to change the RPM. So, if you issued "M3 S8000" in the MDI, that the spindle will operate, and the VFD will display 12000 RPM. Please correct me if I've misunderstood.

    From here it is logical to measure the analogue voltage output from the CSMIO, by connecting a DC volt meter (or a DMM on a DC voltage range) across the ACM terminal on the VFD (black/negative) and the VI terminal (red/positive).

    A properly configured Mach3/CSMIO would output around 10V with the "S24000" setting. It should output around 5V with the "S12000" setting, and around 2.5V with the "S6000" setting. If it does, then the problem likely lies with the VFD, and it's settings.

    The reason I asked for three settings is to verify that the CSMIO/Mach3 is not saturating the output from the CSMIO (e.g. if the S24000 and S12000 both output 5V, but S6000 does give 2.5V, then it would look as though the CSMIO analogue output is limited to 5V (for whatever reason - and I don't know the CSMIO and would advise no further). Also, if the S6000 also output 5V then I would seriously look at the Mach3 / CSMIO configuration, as I would expect that the DAC on the CSMIO wasn't being driven by Mach3.

    If, however, the CSMIO does output the 10V/5V/2.5V expected for S24000/S12000/S6000 then you can be reasonably sure that the CSMIO/Mach3 are correctly configured, and we can concentrate on the VFD settings.

    I have briefly looked at the register settings for the VFD, that you provided, and they look at first glance to be correct. But, if the voltages out of the CSMIO into the VFD are broadly as expected at different speeds then we can spend more time looking at the VFD set-up.

    One other question: You say the speed is 12000RPM. Is this a fixed, exact 120000, as indicated on the VFD? (my reason: it's unlikely that you'd get a precise analogue output of exactly 5V from the CSMIO to give the exact 12000 RPM... it might indicate that the VFD is not sourcing it's speed control from the external VI input).
    Last edited by Doddy; 06-07-2018 at 01:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Clive S's Avatar
    Lives in Marple Stockport, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 16 Hours Ago Forum Superstar, has done so much to help others, they deserve a medal. Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 3,341. Received thanks 618 times, giving thanks to others 82 times. Made a monetary donation to the upkeep of the community. Is a beta tester for Machinists Network features.
    Yes exactly as Doddy has quoted but it would be interesting to look at the setting of PD070 in the vfd as my data sheet shows pd070 is (speed control input) set to 1 is 0-5v and 0 is 0-10v

    There is also a little jumper next to the terminal strip right hand side that can be put in two positions this sets the vfd to external control. What position is it in?

    edit some data sheets differ with the pd070 settings. but won't do any damage if you change
    Last edited by Clive S; 11-07-2018 at 07:17 AM.
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  7. #7
    Hi, thanks for your attention
    I told you that I measured the tension and the ip-m csmio does not exceed 5v

    I made some changes to the parameters of the VDF and it gave me some results

    first change pd070 is (speed control input) set to 1 is 0-5v and in 2 I get no response, the axis does not turn

    the jumper is in the VI position

    and also change the following and I got this result

    pd011 configured 100.00 axis rotates at 6000 rpm 1.5v
    pd011 configured 200.00 axis rotates at 12000 rpm 2.3v
    pd011 configured 300.00 axis rotates at 18000 rpm 3.5v
    pd011 configured 400.00 axis rotates at 24000 rpm 4.8v

    all these speed changes I get it by changing the parameters
    in the VFD no matter what I entered in the mach tab in MDI


  8. #8
    Clive S's Avatar
    Lives in Marple Stockport, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 16 Hours Ago Forum Superstar, has done so much to help others, they deserve a medal. Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 3,341. Received thanks 618 times, giving thanks to others 82 times. Made a monetary donation to the upkeep of the community. Is a beta tester for Machinists Network features.
    have you tried the jumper in the other position (vr)
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SaporeCNC View Post
    Hi, thanks for your attention
    I told you that I measured the tension and the ip-m csmio does not exceed 5v
    I'm sorry, this might be a language thing. Where/when did you tell us this? Or is this you now reporting the results of the S24000/S12000/S6000?

    Quote Originally Posted by SaporeCNC View Post
    I made some changes to the parameters of the VDF and it gave me some results

    first change pd070 is (speed control input) set to 1 is 0-5v and in 2 I get no response, the axis does not turn
    Okay, so if the CSMIO output voltage varies (wrt the Sxxxxx MDI input) 0-5V, then a value of 1 for pd070 would be correct...

    Quote Originally Posted by SaporeCNC View Post
    pd011 configured 100.00 axis rotates at 6000 rpm 1.5v
    pd011 configured 200.00 axis rotates at 12000 rpm 2.3v
    pd011 configured 300.00 axis rotates at 18000 rpm 3.5v
    pd011 configured 400.00 axis rotates at 24000 rpm 4.8v

    all these speed changes I get it by changing the parameters
    in the VFD no matter what I entered in the mach tab in MDI

    I'm unsure what you're talking about here. You're changing the minimum frequency (a function of RPM) from 100 - 400 (6000rpm - 24000rpm), which suggests to me that the VFD is reading a minimum demanded spindle speed, and it's driving at the values in the pd011 as a consequence. You should reset pd011 to 0 (or your required minimum) and not try to use this as a method of speed control.

    BUT, what is the reference to voltage (1.5v, 2.3v, 3.5v and 4.8v)? - are these the outputs from the CMSIO analogue channel 0 with the different S6000, S12000, S18000, S24000 MDi commands?

    I understand you're saying that there is no response to entering speed commands in the MDI. But are those analogue voltages (tension?) the result from the speed command at the CSMIO output / VFD VI-ACM input?

    If that interpretation is correct, then there's at least some suggestion that the Mach/CSMIO is correctly configured (although the register 64 in the settings looks at odds with the CSMIO/IP-M instructions here.... https://en.cs-lab.eu/wp-content/uplo...-m-artykul.pdf which seems to indicate a register value of 80... which also suggests that the CSMIO IP-M output is expected to be between 0-10V. But I'm not familiar with the CSMIO and wouldn't comment further on this.

    I would reset PD011 to 0 and PD070 to 1. Then I'd get a 1.5V cell (AA battery), disconnect the RFD VI input from the CSMIO and connect the cell with + to the VI input, and the - to the ACM input. Using a M3 command from mach3 should then give you 24000/5*1.5 = 7200 rpm (or there abouts). This would confirm the analogue input into the VFD is working as expected. Or not.
    Last edited by Doddy; 07-07-2018 at 10:04 PM.

  10. #10
    I use a CSMIO/IP-M, and it takes a little bit of work to get it set up for analogue speed output. I would like to see a measurement of the CSMIO output voltage at the terminals just to check that it is actually configured correctly. The CSMIO plugin for Mach3 has some settings that are not obvious (although if you work through the manual very carefully they are documented) and you have to get this right. You should see 0-10V coming out of the CSMIO when it is configured correctly. Quick check with a voltmeter will confirm whether the CSMIO has been set up correctly.

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