Thread: cnc3040t
20-07-2018 #11
i just dont know y it wont talk to the cnc
20-07-2018 #12
For the last time... The problem is NOT that you used XP and now using W7. Period.
If you have a genuine UC100 then it should work. The PC you are using has absolutely no clue about your CNC, there is ZERO communication between Mach3 and the CNC if you use a parallel port and that BOB you showing. Look for the problem somewhere else, your UC100 plugin installation for example. Also be aware of the fact that unless it is GENUINE UC100 you are using, the plugin will not work, and if you bought your UC100 on the eBay outside the official sources then it is likely that it is a fake UC100. Have you tried contacting the manufacturer? CNC Drive is very good at communicating and gives good support for genuine product users. If on the other hand you bought the UC100 on the eBay then there is nothing else to do then throw it in the rubbish bin. No support is given for the pirate products.
By the way, I looked at the fuzzy pictures you posted and it seems like that BOB is only partially completed. Looks as the inputs do not have any screw terminals... are you sure that this is the same BOB as the one which was working before? Where do you have your limit switches connected? Beware that Mach3 will NOT work if you have configured for limit switches and e-Stop and you don't have any installed or have them configured to the wrong logic level. That BOB looks definitely weird to my eyes.Last edited by A_Camera; 20-07-2018 at 12:04 PM.
20-07-2018 #13
think the bob is the problem
20-07-2018 #14
right y does it work fine if i change over to my old xp pc with all the same settings im running it through a parrallel port atm they sending me a new uc 100 the bob no is hwj130613b cant find anything about it
Last edited by welshkoiman1962; 20-07-2018 at 12:23 PM.
20-07-2018 #15
a search for hwj1306b found this link
the breakout board is another variant of the chinese boards used in 6040 cnc machines and sold on ebay or amazon etc
going by the photo on page 13 of the damogranlabs guide
nothing remarkable - just another Mach3 or linux CNC BOB
I guess the 12 printer port outputs are buffered by two 74hc244 or 74hc245 IC's
four of the five inputs for your limit switches & touch probe are isolated by opto-isolators (pc817 ?)
the E-stop switch being connected directly to the printer port
20-07-2018 #16
ty but still wont work on windows 7
20-07-2018 #17
20-07-2018 #18
i think its 64 bit
20-07-2018 #19
Someone's 'avin a Giraffe 'ere :D
You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D
20-07-2018 #20
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