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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaz View Post
    Great, thanks.
    Hi Planning to up grade my Bridge port soon
    Planning on using this and my old motors
    Upgrading encoders
    Any recommendations.
    Thanks Anthony

  2. #22
    Muzzer's Avatar
    Lives in Lytham St. Annes, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 6 Hours Ago Has been a member for 7-8 years. Has a total post count of 446. Received thanks 69 times, giving thanks to others 15 times.
    My Shizuoka turret mill has its original SEM brushed motors and a Centroid Acorn controller. To control the motors I have 3 of the cncdrive drives https://www.cncdrive.com/DG4S_16035.html. Works really well, cost effective and didn't require any messing with the mechanics.

    My Bridgeport conversion has DMM servos and TBH there's not much between them, although the DMMs cost a fair bit, not forgetting the motors themselves.

  3. #23
    Nice so you just replaced the Motor drives
    Did you change the encoders ?
    where do you get the DC power for the drives from

  4. #24
    Hi Anthony,

    Ok, so which machine are you playing with?

    Have you got 380V 3 phase available or just 220V single phase.

    Yes changing motors can be a real pig, unless you can get them with a matching shaft ( or larger and turn down to fit orig timing pulleys). The timing pulleys on many of these machines are american inch sized. Expensive, compared to metric. Changing the screw pulley to metric is possible, but a LOT of work.

    Keeping the SEM motors is fine if they are good. ( we have spares) changing tacho ( resolver etc) for an encoder is not hard. Cheap from Aliexpress too.
    If you have the same bosch driver boards as mine, it looks like they could be used.
    Yes getting 180V DC ( I think) from a 220V AC supply will not be cheap, unless you are very lucky.

    This is what put me off using them and going onto 220V AC servos instead.

    Re Acorn, try contacting Chaz who posted above. He was using one on his.
    He is pretty stretched time wise right now, but its worth a try.
    He will no doubt also mention the cheap, offline ( non PC required) controllers that are starting to get popular now.

    I went the CS Labs route myself.
    Keeping vary speed and running inverter for head motor. Keeping the pneumatics too.( for now)

    No where near finished on mine though. So I don't have much more to share.

  5. #25
    Muzzer's Avatar
    Lives in Lytham St. Annes, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 6 Hours Ago Has been a member for 7-8 years. Has a total post count of 446. Received thanks 69 times, giving thanks to others 15 times.
    Sorry didn't see the reply, had a busy weekend.

    I'm also using an Acorn on my Shiz. Very nice to use and great support on the forum which is well supported by Centroid and users. Not deadly cheap when you pay for the full licence and MPG but it's a good, semi professional system. https://centroidcncforum.com/viewforum.php?f=60

    The SEM machines on my machine had both encoders and tachos but you don't need tachos with modern drives. The original encoders connected up directly, as they had differential outputs. Check your motors to see what you have in there before buying anything extra. You might get lucky like me.

    For the DC power I just got a 3000VA 120V site transformer from Screwfix (the ones in the steel box, not the potted yellow things) and removed some secondary turns to get 100VAC, then used a bridge rectifier and large electrolytic from CPC. Gives ~140Vdc and is simple, cheap and reliable. 160-180Vdc would be too high.

    I have a Newker 990MDCa standalone 4 axis controller on my Bridgeport conversion. Works well but the manual was impossible to understand and I ended up writing my own. Depends how patient you are. Dean / Jazz is going with SZGH, who sound like a much better bet.

    So my Shiz just required an Acorn and 3 of the cncdrive drivers, no mechanical buggerage needed. Pretty quick and simple although modern electronics is considerably more compact than the original stuff, so I made up a new cabinet while I was at it. The old one was big enough to climb inside. And I rebuilt the head, replaced the bearings etc, as you do.

  6. #26
    For the DC power I just got a 3000VA 120V site transformer from Screwfix (the ones in the steel box, not the potted yellow things) and removed some secondary turns to get 100VAC, then used a bridge rectifier and large electrolytic from CPC. Gives ~140Vdc and is simple, cheap and reliable. 160-180Vdc would be too high.
    I have Generator I was hoping to use 240 v from the house will probably do similar.
    like this .
    I hope to start soon, I have work shop Man cave just built now have to say impress with Centroid and will just use my motors,
    Will update when i start

  7. #27
    Hi there,

    Im planning on doing a similar build with a bridgeport i recently got (scrap value, mechanically barely used).

    I had planned to go with more modern AC Servos, but not sure on the best option regarding shaft sizes. I'd be interested in hearing about this machine if you ever got it working.



  8. #28
    Friends, if you need a new servo,please let me knowI will apply for some extra offers for you
    In this link, can see all machines with 80mm flange and 90mm flange
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	nema34-servo-90st-spec.png 
Views:	288 
Size:	53.5 KB 
ID:	31954

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	90stservomotor.jpg 
Views:	275 
Size:	145.0 KB 
ID:	31953  

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by mycncshop.com View Post
    Friends, if you need a new servo,please let me knowI will apply for some extra offers for you
    In this link, can see all machines with 80mm flange and 90mm flange
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	nema34-servo-90st-spec.png 
Views:	288 
Size:	53.5 KB 
ID:	31954

    Do you do anything with longer shaft? Ideally it would need to be 55 - 60mm long

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexDoran View Post
    Do you do anything with longer shaft? Ideally it would need to be 55 - 60mm long
    If you need a longer shaft, we can provide customized services

    But this will take approximately 7-10 business days

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