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Thread: Motion control

  1. #1
    Hi guys I might have the ability to ditch the Chinese rnr motion control. I think this is one of my issues with the machine losing steps. I work mainly with brass and its small stuff. So the machine itself is good enough. The tooling ranges from 0.1-3mm so it's mainly gentle precise cuts.

    As it stands its neither gentle or precise on low feeds.

    So I want to ditch the board it came with and the hacked cracked and smacked software.

    Silly question but is there an inexpensive route for this or am I talking 100's?

    Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    m_c's Avatar
    Lives in East Lothian, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 2 Hours Ago Forum Superstar, has done so much to help others, they deserve a medal. Has a total post count of 2,947. Received thanks 365 times, giving thanks to others 8 times.
    It all depends what features you'd like.

    Cheapest option is likely LinuxCNC with a suitable PC and running via the parallel port.

    Failing that you're into various other options depending on budget.
    Mach 3/4 can be run via a parallel port (175USD for Mach 3, and 200USD plus 25 for the parallel port driver for Mach4).

    Then you're into various other motion controllers, which can be run with various software.
    UCNC controllers can work with Mach 3/4 or UCNC's own software.
    Pokeys, and PMDX do controllers that work with Mach 3/4.
    Dynomotion KFlop can run with Mach 3 or Dynomotion's own software (which is free).
    Centroid Acorn is another reasonably priced option that comes with it's own software (basic software is free, but you have to pay to upgrade for certain features).

    Another option are standalone controllers. DDCSV are pretty popular, and are around £140 for just the controller, or £190 with an MPG.

    It all depends what features you'd like, and what software you're comfortable using.
    Avoiding the rubbish customer service from AluminiumWarehouse since July '13.

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