18-06-2019 #1
Hello everyone,
I have just ordered a workbee from ooznest, I currently have a 3040 cnc milling machine which works a treat with planet cnc software and planet cnc controller. The new workbee comes with a controller called Duet 2 with the wifi option. I have never heard of this controller and was wondering if anyone has used this? also if any one has used this with the planet cnc software?
Any advice would be most helpful
19-06-2019 #2
I have a Workbee, from Ooznest, the Duet controller is a stand alone unit. You generate the g code and then connect to Duet with a Webb browser, upload the file to it. All of the control is via the web interface, the pc or what ever the web browser is running on does nothing to drive the CNC.
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19-06-2019 #3
Hello dave,
is that a bit of a primative way of doing it? never heard of it being done that way before
19-06-2019 #4
Well it is very different, I only have limited experience of CNC systems. I built a small one that used an Ardiuno with the CNC shield.
I then bought the Workbee as I wanted a bigger machine that was quicker than the plywood one!
I use Fusion 360 to do the design work in and to produce the G code. I am pleased with the new machine and for cutting wood which is my main requirement it works really well. I have just cut some aluminum which has proved to be more of a challenge!
Sent from my BBB100-2 using Tapatalk
19-06-2019 #5
im going to be using it to cut carbon fibre so I hope it is up to the job, can you use a tool probe with the duet? as thats how i set the material level with planet cnc
19-06-2019 #6
It comes with macros for tool probes. One of the aluminum things I have just cut is an XYZ probe plate, I need to edit the macro for the size of the plate.
I use a simple Z probe to allow tool changes to be quick and simple.
Sent from my BBB100-2 using Tapatalk
19-06-2019 #7
if im honest this duet is beginning to sound like a very basic and amateur piece of kit. always had the software take car of the code for tool probes etc, never macros
19-06-2019 #8
But the probe function when using the Ardiuno is a set of g codes invoked as a macro from whichever software you are using to send the g code to the controller.
Sent from my BBB100-2 using Tapatalk
20-06-2019 #9
20-06-2019 #10
lol i seem to have got to grips with my current machine and its earnt its money, lets see how I get on with the big workbee :-)
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