Thread: eMachineShop Upgrade
07-08-2020 #11
Angelo, I have added your email to the list of people who can share the link in Dropbox. There you will find version 1.932 and 1.935. With the latest version you will have to press Ctrl + E when you dropdown the list of Export options then restart eMachineShop.
07-08-2020 #12
Glyn my name is Ron, would it be possible to get my e-mail added to the dropbox link? I actually have the paid version but the latest update just broke the DXF export and I'm trying to get something completed & exported this weekend. please add: [email protected] it's a disposable address so I don't have to deal with potential spam for the rest of my life. Thanks very much!
08-08-2020 #13
Ron, Should be all sorted. Good luck, Glyn.
10-08-2020 #14
Hi Ron,
Try to follow these directions, I still haven't succeeded, however try it yourself and if you can install everything correctly, you have solved all the problems with the dxf.
11-08-2020 #15
Hi, new here, same issue with emachineshop,
Is there any chance of pinging me the old version. It’s a handy programme for quick profiling on cnc plasma.
11-08-2020 #16
Sure. Send me your email address and I will add you to Dropbox from where you can download versions 1.932 and 1.935.
11-08-2020 #17
My email is [email protected].
Much appreciated. Do you know if I need to uninstall my current version.
11-08-2020 #18
All sorted. Some of the other guys are trying ot use it as a 3D modeller. For this you need the paid for version. I use it only for 2D and use Fusion 360 (free version for 3D.
13-09-2020 #19
13-09-2020 #20
Sure. Send me your email address and I will add you to Dropbox from where you can download versions 1.932 and 1.935
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