I emailed eMachineShop and got this reply:

"Thank you for reaching out. I am sorry for any inconvenience this update has caused you.

You are correct that our beta export functionality to most file types has been disabled in this new release. STL export has been preserved.

As a temporary workaround, please press Ctrl + Alt + E when in the workspace. Then go to the export dialog. You will notice full export functionality will now be restored.

Please note that this workaround is not guaranteed to be available indefinitely. Depending on the feedback we receive we may restore export functionality to how it was, disable the workaround completely or offer another option. When this decision will be made has not yet been determined.

I would be happy to share any feedback you have with management. Please elaborate a bit on how you use eMachineShop to design and manufacture parts, and why you do not use eMachineShop's manufacturing service to make these parts. This information will be very valuable in management's decision-making process."

So all you guys who value the ability to export in a DXF format send your comments/feedback to eMachineShop. Use the form in Help - Provide Feedback.