Quote Originally Posted by ngwagwa View Post
I got the Mach 3 sde of it up and running today and it is only using 2% of CPU and 40% of the memory. Tomorrow I will look at the Denford side of things.
One of the things to watch out for is the speed of each machine; I would anticipate that both will work, but they'd both slow down a bit as the USB and Parallel communications each need to perform CPU interrupts (literally what it says on the can - a message comes in, and it forces the CPU to stop what its doing and handle this right now), which might not play well together.

The other issue I see is that with a system running off the parallel port, if there is no command buffer, it relies upon the real-time element to work correctly. Imagine if you're half way through a diagonal move which requires synchronised movement of X and Y, but your PC has to deal with something else halfway between sending these signals - you might get a not so diagonal line - but this is purely speculation! I'm looking forward to hearing about your results :)