Quote Originally Posted by Doddy View Post
You're absolutely correct, and I've fallen foul of my own criticism of assuming too much. Looking at the board the axis drives are presented onto the IDC headers (the 16-pin black connectors, 5-of) on the board. Okay, that gives us a bit of an issue to understand how these are wired.

I'm guessing there are at least 3 ribbon cables normally plugged into these (I think I did see this on an earlier piccy).

I'm going to change tack back to the e-stop, but I'll post this for now knowing that you're stood in front of the machine scratching your head. Give me 20 minutes to write up another thought.
No rush - I got plenty of other broken things around the shed I can stand in front of, when ever you get a chance is fine.

There are ribbons normally connected to them, I removed them for the photo (numbered them to insure they go back in the right place)

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