Quote Originally Posted by Richardtweed View Post
Ok guys I posted something similar to this the other day but the I go about explaining thing isn't the best 😂

Anyway here goes, I have just moved from linux cnc to mach 3 and the issue I am having is after i have zeroed all the axis and start to mill, the z axis always starts off machining 2mm above my workpiece, I use fusion 360 as cad and cam and when I simulate the tool paths everything looks fine.

I have calibrated the z axis over and over again and I also tried milling a simple pocket which turned out perfect. Could this be an issue with my "heights" setup in fusion360? I have posted a pic of my height setup.
Hi Richard, I know it’s a long while but I’m having a similar issue to you, I home everything (xyz) then go to my material and zero (xy) creating a work home touch the z on the job and zero that and start the ‘cycle’ z goes up to home then comes down to make first cut but the zero is now reading about 2mm off the surface of the work, how has it re-zeroed itself! If you solved this can you share what you did. Many thanks Huw