Quote Originally Posted by Crazy L View Post

Question 1, Am I correct in thinking the control board is the one on the top right? This thing here:

Question 2, Starting again, what software and peripherals would be required to get going again? By peripherals I mean pci cards, boards etc.

Question 3, If I wanted to go down the route of using a standalone controller, like a ddcsv2.1 for example, would that simply be a question of extending the wires that go into here:
and wiring them into the back of the controller? Is that a question for another section or can it be answered here? Any info or recommendations appreciated.
# 1 Yes but unfortunately it's not good news because that board is a All-in-one board so the drives for the motors are built into it. So to replace you'll also need new drives for the motors.

#2 If starting over then I'd advise you to go with an Ethernet-based Controller. Most modern PC's have ethernet so you won't need any PCI cards etc Regards software then you'll only need the control software ie: Mach3 and any Plug-in for the controller (Nearly all external controllers require plug-in)

#3 If you had drives then yes, in theory, it would just be a case of re-wiring to the stand-alone controller.
But warn you if you can't get your head around this setup then you have no chance dealing with the DDcsv2.1 or any of the cheap chinese controllers. So unless you speak Chinese and like puzzles then stay away from is my advice.!