I tend to use Real filament and buy it via Amazon or Reprapworld UK. Prices aren't bad and quality is good and consistent. Stay well in a container with RV dry sacks and no printing issues. I tend to print it a bit hot then suggested but also print a bit faster then suggested so it evens out. Good quality finished product and low levels of stringing on their PETG. Their ASA prints well and with good results.

I have used RigidInk and from what I can see basically ,Ed sees the writing on the wall that raw material prices are dropping and folks like Prusa are getting into the game which furthers was cutting into his market share. While their quality tended to be good, it had started having issues and I don't know if that is do as a change of suppliers or their supplier changing processes. The filament market is very competitive and unless you have a good base market you can count on, it is very risky.