Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Boyan, We all have different needs and just because something works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone or that your way is the only way it must be done.!

For instance, I've got one of the earlier DDCSV which I don't like it one little bit and doesn't suit my needs. I use Mach3 based controllers with a Laptop and I'm happy with it because does what I need. The DDCSV cannot give or do what I need. I need control-software and hardware that is flexible and allows me to jump from machine to machine with just a few clicks. I also like to see a toolpath on the screen and the early version didn't, thou do believe the latest ones do have a basic toolpath viewer.

I've also used most of the other common hobby CNC controllers/software and to be honest, most of them are very competent with little to choose between them when it comes to operating the machine. Ease of setup of the machine can differ greatly between them, esp if the machine requires advanced features, but this is mostly just a learning curve which comes with any new software and when the machine is set up correctly then you rarely need to worry about it again so no big deal.

However backup and user base make a huge difference to new users and Mach3 still has a massive user base which is why I use it on machines I build. The fact it's not supported by Artsoft is not a big deal for the routers/mills I build because the current build works just fine and does everything my routers need. Once it's set up this side never needs to be seen by a user.
What's more important is the fact a new user who is only interested in USING the machine not configuring it. Can go to a forum or youtube and ask a question on how to operate the software or do what he needs to do to get a job done and someone will come back with an answer quickly. Mach3 blows all others away in this respect purely because it's a numbers game.

Are there better more stable software/hardware controllers out there, HELL YES, but everyone's needs are different and for your average CNC machine any of them will do the job perfectly fine. However the end of the day It's down to the individual user and there needs along with comfort level and MACH3 with its PC based controller offer a nice comforting easily accessible user base for most new users.
I agree with you , especially about the support. Agree also where mach 3 is much more flexible. I even have proper Mach licence that i payed to support them even that i have the cracked Mach3 working perfectly fine on mine machine.

But people should know the other possibilities that work perfectly fine 100%. There is a text file that you can program load and jump from machine to machine, just FYI as probably you know that. And have talked out people to pay for their licences to support the software.

But people also should know that mach 3 means a lot of problems like:
- needs a windows 32 bit computer
- needs a dedicated computer that you dont use for internet or anything else
- the moment there is a but or something not working properly one needs to reinstall everything , clean windows and start again. Sometimes even reinstall windows and repeat everything
- if a computer stops midway due to lack of electricity almost 99% sure the procedure from above should be done or else problems.

CNC started as a hobby for me, to support my other hobby of musical instruments making. But now i have a small sign company. So IMO if someone is retired and has time to play around-great. But if someone is making money from his machine, then better forget about mach3 and the problems arising with what i said above.
You remember when i build mine machine, i tried at least a couple of controllers, from Galil to Pokeys, and i have a couple fo good mach3 controls.

Nothing nearly is good as the cheapest dedicated controller, and i will continue to repeat that. Eliminating PCs with its memory fails, hard disc fails, windows fails, cable connection fails, board connection fails, power supply fails, etc.. is a must for the person who values his time.

And also i continue to believe that for the 99% of the people on forums who are for hobby in the CNC the DDCSV will do a fine job, for what they use or will use their machines

I have mine machine in a garage and live near the sea. When it rains and in winter the humidity is 90% or more, in summer in the garage the temp could be even 50C. Almost 10 years in CNC and 6 pc later, 4 failed hard discs later ,many many problems from mach 3, from the time i use the little chino controller i have forgotten what a problem is.

So let people decide what to use, but at least they should know they have that option. Nothing beats that for 200 euros. Even the shittiest computer is 50 euros with a proper SSD hardisc, mach 3 licence, windows licence, price of controller, price of software/ if not mach 3/ , etc...