I forgot to say, heat is also the reason why your hand drill can be awesome when new and yet limp as a dishrag when 10 years old. Replace the magnets though and the power goes back up.

A lot of diy repairers replace the windings of weak power tools and are confused when it is still just as weak. “I mean, it can’t be the magnets. They are ‘solid state’ parts after all”.

This is why you confuse me Jazz. You profess to knowing what you are doing and then are making noob errors like that. I’m not saying this to be an ass, I’m saying it to educate, like you educated me regarding water cooled spindles.

Take the info in the way it was meant, as I took yours and actually acted on it. Don’t know exactly when I will get my spindle though as all flights out of China appear to have be stopped at present.