
My 24V power supply went dead (conference this weekend) and Lee got me a new one that is 42Vdc but is not a rail set up as the 24V was.

When wiring all three direct to the power supply get power but no motion and power LED's don't stay lit. Have wired them up on a joint spacer and no joy there either. The Motor are running at 1.5A and are 140Nm Nema23 from Steeperworld (yes I know I need to get better motors, need to earn some funs to pay for them).

The Power supply could not have picked a worse time to go dead as have Gcode for three combs done and tested in Predator and everything is looking great plus covers for some custom work and was setting up to do some mouth pieces. This has put a MAJOR kink in the prospect of having everything ready for the National harmonica Convention this week end and would like to get at least five cut to go with me to sell and/or take orders. But empty handed is not going to work.

Any help on getting the power supply i now have to drive the motors would be a blessing. They are 25's from DIYCNC and the BOB is also from Roy.
