Well I finally got my servo motors JMC Servo iHSV57-30-18-36-21 180watt connected and working with my AXBB-E . the question I have is which size wire to connect the motors to the controller ? The continuous current rating of the motors is 6 amps I assume the pulse direction wires from the controller board don't have to carry so much current. What dimension wire would be ok for the + - volts Power supply I have is 48volts 16amps and also have a 48v 10 amp supply (both switching) I have read that these servos don't pull much more than 3 amps while running. Should I use just the 16amp supply or go with both? Should I use a separate 2 core wire for the power to the servos and use a thinner screened wire (how thick?) for the signal steps connection. Obviously wire for cable chains would be used. Any ideas gratefully accepted.

