Quote Originally Posted by CNCRY View Post
I'm trying to figure out whether 2005 or or 2010 ballscrew would be better, or 1605/1610 (which seems to be less available pre machined). I don't plan to use pulleys.
Meh, get a custom quote from Fred and he'll machine whatever you want, it'll still probably be cheaper than the pre-machined, and you'll have a quality product from a trusted vendor.

Quote Originally Posted by CNCRY View Post
So filling out a speeds and feed calc for say hardwood @ 20,000rpm spindle I get min/max of 9-11 M/min speed. Assume this is the cutting speed and the rapid people refer to are movement between cuts.
Yep. No feeds and speeds calculator will ever give you rapid speed recommendations. Do remember that it will also depend on how many flutes your cutter has.

Quote Originally Posted by CNCRY View Post
From forums someone gives 2010 screw @ 1348 RPM = 2.15m/min, so would the motor need to at appox 6740rpm to achieve that?
Then that someone is a tit and can't do maths. It was probably me. The 2010 means that the outside diameter of the screw is 20mm, and the pitch is 10mm. In one turn of the screw, the ballnut will move 10mm. So 1348 turns per minute equals 13480mm/min = 13.48m/min.

Quote Originally Posted by CNCRY View Post
But also the motor Voltage driven needs to be known to get an idea of rpm which can be achieved?
Its less about the voltage, more about how much torque you have left when you get up to those RPMs, which then dictates how quickly you can accelerate and decelerate. Whilst I spent a lot of time doing the calculations, I still ended up with the same motors as everyone else with the machine size, so for starters find a decent build about the same size and steal their motor and PSU configuration :P Work forwards from that.

Quote Originally Posted by CNCRY View Post
I also don't know the final weight of the gantry, I'd estimate say 20Kg based on extrusion weight + spindle and alum plate.
Quite machine dependent, but I'd guess you're lowballing it. A 2.2kW Spindle is approx 8kg alone. Rails + Ballscrews + Plates + Motors + Extrusion should be a good ballpark. Maybe nearer 30-40kg?