ATC Questions
Hi Jazz,
Thank you for your time.
My my questions revolve around The electrical connections and the pneumatic connections.

Power supply, Thermal, Fan

The manual says:

9 pin plug
1. Thermal: 1, 5. What wire do I connect here? From where?
2. Fan: 3 Black,9 Red. What wire do I connect here? From where?
3. Power supply: 4 Red U,6 Black V,8 Blue W. GOT IT VFD.
4. Ground: 2 Yellow,Green. GOT IT from VFD.

Proximity switch
Switch button
11 Pin Plug

Hanging knife: 1 5 Red
Unloading knife: 2 11 Red
0V: 6 Blue 7 Blue
24V: Brown 8 Blue

5. What is hanging knife: 1? What do I connect here? From where?
6. What is unloading knife:2? What do I connect here? From where?
7. 0V: 6 Blue. What do I connect here? From where?
8. 24V: Brown What do I connect here? From where?
Do I get the 24V from outside source?
Which Pin is this? What does it do?

Switch button (it’s a little red button with two wires NC (I can only assume is to engage solenoid solenoid to drop the tool) What does it do?
9. 5 Red. What do I connect here?
10. 11 Red. What do I connect here?
11. 7 Blue. What do I connect here?
8 Blue. What do I connect here?

I contacted the company that sold me the spindle but you know, Chinese. They just basically told me to find my own engineer.
In reference to the pneumatics, I have one 1/4” connection and two 4mm connections. I’m not sure where these go.

Again, thanks a lot For any help you can provide on this.
Jose Ricardo