More progress today, fired up the toroidal transformer and started playing with UCCNC

The labelling of the pins on the AZBB Port 2 were baffling me until I realised that l1 was L1 and not 11 (eleven)and yes I did have my glasses on.

Getting the PC to see the AXBB on the network was a mission, as I haven't got a crossover cable I ended up using a spare router as a hub which was working but then UCCNC reported the connection was lost. Restarting UCCNC and it couldn't connect to the AXBB. Looking at the network status and even though UCCNC had exited there was still a few processes tagged as UCCNC with active connections, turns out that after UCCNC has terminated it takes a few minutes for all it's processes to stop. After waiting for the processes to stop restarted UCCNC and it didn't see the license so exited and lo and behold the UCCNC process is talking to the AXBB but only at a network level (blue link light on AXBB was off). These errors were consistent using both my NC PC running Windows 7 and my laptop running Wndows10. New PCI network card and crossover cable on order.