4 x 2 I think is the smallest I would be willing to go, as it'll make it a more versatile machine.
I was toying with the idea of making the gantry on the long axis, to leave room for future expansion, but in all honesty, I doubt I'll do much other work in wood.

Cost I want to try and keep as low as reasonable, but would prefer to source in the UK for speed, but even if I decide to go ahead with this, it'll probably take me a couple weeks to get the frame built anyway (I've got a queue of other jobs I need clear out the shed first!), so that isn't set in stone.

One thing I can't find much mention off, is what do you do about protecting the ballscrews?
Or is it fine to leave them exposed, with regular lubrication?
(my lathe had been used for wood when I got it, so I'm well aware of how sawdust can penetrate components!)

Electrics is the bit I know the most about, it's just all the practicalities/mechanics of a woodworking machine I don't.