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  1. #1
    Hi I just thought I’d post a couple of pics of my Orac conversion here. I bought the lathe in 2006 and I’ve just got it going so maybe I win a prize for the slowest retrofit...

    I went with Acorn because the software comes in a native lathe option, I’m really pleased I did- the conversational programming seems great, for example you just choose “thread” then you get a huge drop-down list of thread forms already in there. Also it was really easy to set up, a few clicks in the wizard and and bit of faffing for the ATC (soon they’re adding ATC setup for 3 or 4 bit grey code sensors etc to the wizard, which will make it even easier.)

    Now I’ve finished this I’m moving on to the Triac VMC so I’ll report back in 2030 :)

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  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Kered View Post
    Looks good but I don't think having the electronics in a draw underneath like that is a good idea as it limits use of cutting oil and fluids, all depends on what your machining but cutting fluids lengthen tool life. Your mill will probably be finished same time as mine

    It’s how the machine was originally built, there’s no containment for coolant run-off so flood coolant was never on the cards. Dry cutting with carbide insert tooling and the occasional squirt of WD40 or air will be fine.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve_p View Post
    Hi I just thought I’d post a couple of pics of my Orac conversion here. I bought the lathe in 2006 and I’ve just got it going so maybe I win a prize for the slowest retrofit...

    I went with Acorn because the software comes in a native lathe option, I’m really pleased I did- the conversational programming seems great, for example you just choose “thread” then you get a huge drop-down list of thread forms already in there. Also it was really easy to set up, a few clicks in the wizard and and bit of faffing ]
    Hi Steve, looking good do you have any time to do the same for my Orac, mine has been in storage for some years waiting for me to get going, If you have any layout drawings / new parts list you would be willing to share "all costs covered", I also have Acorn waiting to be used.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by phill05 View Post
    Hi Steve, looking good do you have any time to do the same for my Orac, mine has been in storage for some years waiting for me to get going, If you have any layout drawings / new parts list you would be willing to share "all costs covered", I also have Acorn waiting to be used.

    haha it took me 14 years to get round to doing mine, so unless you don't mind waiting until 2034 you'd be best off getting someone else on the case. I don't have any drawings, I just made it up as I went along. My Triac VMC is next on the list but don't hold your breath..

  5. #5
    Chaz's Avatar
    Lives in Ickenham, West London, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 1 Hour Ago Has a total post count of 1,649. Received thanks 115 times, giving thanks to others 71 times.
    Just bought a Orac, no ATC however. Will likely also go Centroid. Need to decide between keeping the steppers or putting servos on.

    EDIT, looking at the pics, looks like you have made your own encoder setup so that you can do tapping etc with Centroid?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaz View Post
    Just bought a Orac, no ATC however. Will likely also go Centroid. Need to decide between keeping the steppers or putting servos on.

    EDIT, looking at the pics, looks like you have made your own encoder setup so that you can do tapping etc with Centroid?
    Yep I bored out a sprocket to fit over the rear of the spindle which belt drives an encoder on a bracket. Threading works fine in centroid with this setup.

  7. #7
    Chaz's Avatar
    Lives in Ickenham, West London, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 1 Hour Ago Has a total post count of 1,649. Received thanks 115 times, giving thanks to others 71 times.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve_p View Post
    Yep I bored out a sprocket to fit over the rear of the spindle which belt drives an encoder on a bracket. Threading works fine in centroid with this setup.
    Thanks, appreciate the response (to an old thread).

    Mine has an pneumatic chuck, so have some piping in the way however I'm sure it can be done. Do you recall where / what you used for the encoder itself?


  8. #8
    Neale's Avatar
    Lives in Plymouth, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 10 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 1,740. Received thanks 297 times, giving thanks to others 11 times.
    I did the same re belt drive pulleys on my Orac - 1 to 1 from the spindle with the encoder on a 3D-printer adjustable bracket for belt change/tensioning. Threading works fine. Encoder is 100PPR, as recommended by PlanetCNC.

    I kept the original steppers but given that the previous owner had stripped out almost all the electronics but had not quite started on the replacement, I put a 68V PSU in there with appropriate drivers. Seems to work OK.

    I was hoping to use a UC300 and UCCNC to match my CNC mill and router user interfaces, but due to the fact that CNCdrive had been promising the lathe version for a few years but not delivering, I ended up with PlanetCNC. Haven't had any problems with that - seems to do what it says on the box. CNCdrive released the lathe module a month later...

    No ATC on mine either, but it came with a Multifix QCTP and a few toolholders. Not quite enough toolholders, of course, but there never is! New ones are not cheap, so considering whether to swap to a different but more economic QCTP. I have managed to set up the tool table for the few tools I have used but still need to improve the tool tip measuring process. Semi-automatic tool changing isn't too much of a sweat for my kinds of jobs although wouldn't want to do commercial production work that way.

    Been using the CNC mill a lot recently but will be back to the lathe shortly, I hope. I have been given some good ideas on tool table setup so need to find time to work on that.
    Last edited by Neale; 13-10-2024 at 03:24 PM.

  9. #9
    Chaz's Avatar
    Lives in Ickenham, West London, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 1 Hour Ago Has a total post count of 1,649. Received thanks 115 times, giving thanks to others 71 times.
    Thanks Neale. Same on mine, tiny Multifix. I know they are good but rare / expensive. So might consider a gang setup. Ive got a universal ATC but I think its going to be too large for this.

    Would you want more Multifix tools if I end up selling mine and installing something else?

  10. #10
    Neale's Avatar
    Lives in Plymouth, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 10 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 1,740. Received thanks 297 times, giving thanks to others 11 times.
    Chaz - sending you a pm with my email address to discuss!

    I had been thinking of one of the Aloris-style QCTPs from Arc Euro - could buy a starter kit with a bunch of holders for the price of a couple of Multifix holders alone...

    One thing I'm not sure about is what the original machine spec said about feed rates. I've had a play with mine to see what I could get to with rapid feeds (cutting speeds not a problem) but not sure what they could manage straight from the factory.

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