This board is ment to be rated upto 36vdc, So I tried using my 36vdc 10A PSU.

I set the board to it's lowest current setting on the DIP switches to make sure I did not burn out or over heat my stepper motor, I am only testing X-Axis atm.

Powered up the board, and all the lights and the fan came on, Turned it all off and, when I next turned it back on, I was greated with a nice pop / bang, with sparks, and blue / white smoke.

Part of the Z-Axis TB6560AHQ had exploded, Oh Joy.

I have since looked at some of the datasheet for the Absolute Maximum Rating.

L7812CV - 35 Volts Absolute Maximum Rating.
L7805CV - 35 Volts Absolute Maximum Rating.
TB6560AHQ - 40 Volts Absolute Maximum Rating.

I will post a pic of the poor TB6560AHQ chip once I have uploaded it to my site.