The Banggood images confuse the hell out of me - they've mirrored one side of the board. Never mind.

JBaz, have you access to a multimeter, and if asked to measure resistance across the pins of the limit switch board do you know what to do?

(What I'd ask is to measure the resistance from white-to-red, and white-to-black, for the switch in the not-pressed state, and in the pressed state... 4 readings in all).

(My confusion is with the BG images apparently showing the NC contact to sense, and the NO to ground - that's... peculiar... at least with a Sunday brain). Ultimately what others have said is correct, and all we're looking to do is wire switches either in parallel or series, but I'm being (too?) cautious trying to make sure there's no risk of shorting anything out with different switch positions.

Also, I have to ask - have you access to basic electrical tools (soldering irons, etc)?