Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

So it would be ok to get that alternate Driver, the 3DM2283T? That will work ok with the items I currently have?

In terms of why these motors, honestly it comes down to budget. My original budget has gone up and up, it’s now around £4k, which includes other items, pan unit, tilt unit (linked below), rig for camera, lens motor, control box etc. and I just can’t put in anymore right now. COVID has decimated my business this year so the only way I can afford this is by selling every unused piece of kit I have.

I’m using two of these for the pan and tilt units -

My hope is that this system will at least out-perform most consumer motion control units; Edelkrone, eMotimo, rhino etc. In the future I’ll then upgrade parts once budget allows.

Gerald, the guy who designs and builds the Mantis controller, has been extremely helpful giving me advice on what parts to buy. As you can imagine, it’s been a balancing act in terms of budget.

Just so I know for future reference, what sort of Servo motors would you recommend?