Hey folks,

Can anyone please help me with this?

I have a 3018 Pro-Metal. The board is a Woodpecker CNC CAMXTOOL v3.4

I ran a job the other day, no problem (engraving acrylic). Now today I tried to run a similar job, in fact its from the same job, just a different profile path. Gcode setting, tool etc all unchanged but now when I try to run it, the machine moves the spindle to X0Y0 (as I set Z0 after XY) then it moves to about X50mm & Y10mm and stops. The Spindle does keep spinning.

This is what the console gives me:

$# < [G54:-30.000,-20.000,-9.200]
$J=G21G91X0Y0Z10F500 < ok
$J=G21G91X-10Y0Z0F500 < ok
$J=G21G91X-10Y0Z0F500 < ok
$J=G21G91X-10Y0Z0F500 < ok
$J=G21G91X-10Y0Z0F500 < ok
$J=G21G91X-10Y0Z0F500 < ok
$J=G21G91X-10Y0Z0F500 < ok
$J=G21G91X0Y-10Z0F500 < ok
G92X0Y0 < ok
$# < [G54:-30.000,-20.000,-9.200]
Grbl 1.1f ['$' for help]
I am using Candle 1.1.8 on a Ubuntu server 20.04.1 (with Ubuntu desktop)

GCode is created with V-Carve Pro 6.0

I did try easel but that did exactly the same thing and wouldn't complete any jobs.