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Thread: Fusion 360 news

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  1. #11
    It does say something like that but it also says something bizarre like 4 axis simultaneous being in the extension. Quite why you'd get 5 axis simultaneous in the paid version and have to buy extensions for 4 axis is beyond me. I'm sure the prat who wrote it knew what he meant.

    I forget the exact wording and I can't be arsed to follow the hullabulloo. However, the wording was as clear as mud (hence the comment) and I doubt I'd get any sort of answer if I asked. I may have to see about using DeskProto or FeeCAD at this rate. Let's see what we have when the storm has blown over.

  2. #12
    RobC's Avatar
    Lives in Leeds, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 12-05-2024 Has been a member for 6-7 years. Has a total post count of 118. Received thanks 16 times, giving thanks to others 21 times.
    I've tried Freecad and gave up, so incredibly hard work to use. Took me nearly 5 minutes to make a single cube as apposed to the 2 seconds in F360! I would like to try other software as I don't really have the funds to pay for another expensive yearly sub.

  3. #13
    Can I still machine parts?

    From AutoDesks website. No 4th axis and no rapid moves kind of kills it for me.

    "Yes. 2, 2.5 and 3 axis milling will still be available in the new Personal Use offering.

    More advanced manufacturing functionality such as 3+2 axis, 4 axis, and 5 axis milling will only be available in the paid subscription.
    Toolpath simulation in the Manufacture workspace is not going anywhere and will still be available.
    Automatic tool change capability will not be available, and rapid feedrate are limited to cutting feedrate.

  4. #14
    The G0 removal is a bizarre move imho - I'll live with it and maybe see if I can script their insertion/change - so a post post processor perhaps...

    If adaptive clearing goes, then that's a different matter, but so far it looks like that's still available.

    I'm more concerned about this active projects/files and archived projects/files - currently if you have an archived project its invisible to your Projects list in the Fusion 360 app and you need to log into the web site of your Autodesk account and recover an archived project and I assume you'll have to make sure you have archived something to make room for it in the app. That's going to be a pain in the rear for some of my work if that's still the case and I can't say I'm impressed with Lars' changing terminology between Documents, Files, Projects and more importantly Components,,,, Will just have to see what this actually means.

    It all smacks a bit of "damage limitation" from Autodesk' shills, because somebody didn't properly work through their business case and the AWS bills have become due...

  5. #15
    We may be seeing an example of Putt's Law here:

    Any technical organisation is dominated by two types of people. Those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand.
    An optimist says the glass is half full, a pessimist says the glass is half empty, an engineer says you're using the wrong sized glass.

  6. #16
    I wonder if we are being caught in the fallout of a discovery (or a belief) that too many small businesses were using the free version? The innocent are paying for the sins of the few!

    It's still looking like the best free 3D cad tool out there (and I'm not anticipating the "open design" limit to affect me too much as I tend to have only a couple of projects on the go at a time and have a lot in each one - not a lot of separate component files) but the G0/M6 business is more concerning.

  7. #17
    I have just discovered something interesting in the new hobby version of F360. ATC support is officially withdrawn. The effect is that you can only generate gcode files which use a single tool and if you have a component that needs several tools, you can't combine them in one single output file and have to write each separately.


    I have just generated a component of which I wanted two mirrored versions. So I used the pattern feature to double-up the cuts - all straightforward stuff. I just thought I would try to post-process all the toolpaths (four different tools) in a single file - and it worked! By using the "pattern" feature, you seem to bypass the "only one tool per file" mechanism. I have also tested it with a single component in a pattern (I know, stupid thing to do, and who would try that?) But it is allowed, and it produces a single file with all the right M6, etc, code in it.

    I wonder how long this loophole will last before someone at Autodesk spots it?

  8. #18
    There's a lot of investigation required to find out what they have actually done. The spiteful wankers who decided to kill rapids and prevent multiple tools weren't the ones to actually implement it. The practicalities of how to achieve the changes are probably a bit more involved than they fondly imagined but they just have their minds on their bonuses.

    If you don't change existing work, it seems you can still generate toolpaths that have multiple tools and rapids. But if you "make changes to the files", that goes away, whatever that means. So that will take some investigating. Sure enough, last night I managed to open a busy assembly and regenerate a load of g code with no obvious loss of function. Mulitple tool changes, G0/G1, all in one file. I must play further to see at what point it clamps down on the content.

    Mostly pissed off at the loss of multi axis (> 3 axis). They claim this is the mark of a professional user but a lot of the 4th axis stuff I've seen is by amateurs like myself. True professionals have 5 axis or more.

  9. #19
    I've just done a quick test. Created a simple component, so generated under the new licence, and then used that to CAM a couple of toolpaths using different tools. If I select the two toolpaths and post-process, I get the "you need to pay for that" warning. If I add them to a pattern and PP, it all works fine. The generated code still has the "no rapids" warning in it.

    I agree, though, that there are probably more 4th axis users than ATC users in the amateur community, and a divide between 4-axis and 5-axis would be more appropriate given what Industry is doing.

  10. #20
    m_c's Avatar
    Lives in East Lothian, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 2 Days Ago Forum Superstar, has done so much to help others, they deserve a medal. Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 2,927. Received thanks 361 times, giving thanks to others 8 times.
    I've been using F360 today for the first time in a while to design some basic storage containers I can print, and I'm getting fed up with the whole cloud processing to create an STL.

    For what is essentially a 40x40x30mm hollow box, it's taking over 5minutes to export the STL.
    Avoiding the rubbish customer service from AluminiumWarehouse since July '13.

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