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Thread: Fusion 360 news

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  1. #21
    >5mins?, wow!, I take it you're mouse-RMB over the component and "Save as STL"?, I've just tried and it works with mine but that's on the back of an Eagle subscription. There's a lot of noise on this recent release with a lot of dissatisfied users (I'm expecting to get hit at some point with them rolling Eagle into Fusion and bang goes the "affordable" licensing). It's a shame as, until now, I've been a big fan of Fusion, but it's hard to justify promoting it to other newcomers in the current guise.

  2. #22
    Neale's Avatar
    Lives in Plymouth, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 9 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 1,740. Received thanks 297 times, giving thanks to others 11 times.
    Another inconsistency - having removed the ability to use cloud rendering so that has to be done locally (although I've never actually used it) they have moved STL processing into the cloud - which is probably something that a lot more people use. Like you, I discovered that a couple of days ago. Ho hum...

  3. #23
    m_c's Avatar
    Lives in East Lothian, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 15 Hours Ago Forum Superstar, has done so much to help others, they deserve a medal. Has a total post count of 2,946. Received thanks 365 times, giving thanks to others 8 times.
    So it turns out STL production can still be done locally.
    After Doddy's post, I just tried a few options, and if you right click on the top branch for the Browser tree, there is an option for Save as STL, which exports immediately.
    I had been using the Export... option in the file menu, which uses the cloud.

    It seems to be functionality changes aren't being done in a very cohesive way, and more just as they get around to it.
    Avoiding the rubbish customer service from AluminiumWarehouse since July '13.

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  5. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by RobC View Post
    At the moment I'm not paying them a single bit of what money I have for their software until I can clearly see what they have removed/restricted as I'm still yet to truly understand how much it's going to impact me regards to the simulation and tool changes. Absolutely love using it but not too happy regards to what they may do in the future, I totally understand they are actively trying to stop the abuse side from companies using the personal use for commercial gain.
    Naa, they want to stiff everyone for the maximum gain, that's what AutoDesk are all about!
    You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D

  6. #25
    You can also export a part-machined body from the manufacturing environment and then import that as a body. Then you can use it as stock for the next operation.

    I've done this a few times and it's very handy when you need to machine one side then the other. Worth bearing in mind - assuming the thrusters at AD haven't decided to remove it of course.

  7. #26
    I have come across this:-


    That might be of interest.
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  8. #27
    Good stuff. Thanks for pointing that out - glad to see somebody's on it.

    Presumably he's figured out what they have done. Certainly worth looking in to!

    I guess this will become a game of cat and mouse....

  9. #28
    Neale's Avatar
    Lives in Plymouth, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 9 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 1,740. Received thanks 297 times, giving thanks to others 11 times.
    Indeed - thanks, Clive! To date, I haven't found these limitations to be too bad - on large work where the "slow rapid" might be relevant, it's generally in wood where cutting speeds are high anyway; low cutting speeds are generally on small work where it's not a problem. And as my whole toolchange process is very manual, swapping files at the same time doesn't take much effort. I have already picked up on the idea of prefixing filenames when post-processing with serial numbers so I run them in the right order.

    However, this is just the kind of thing to have up your sleeve just in case... Let's hope the poachers stay just ahead of the gamekeepers!

  10. #29
    Today I tried out Tim Paterson's add-in for Fusion. It didn't end well - or wouldn't have if I'd a) not been air cutting and b) stopped it after 20 seconds or so. It seemed to have planned to drop the cutter 4.5m below the reference point in Z and somewhere unspecified in X and Y. I'm guessing it got its absolute and relative moves mixed up.

    No criticism of his work, 'cos I know it's work in progress but just be warned that the Centroid post doesn't like it. I don't know if other systems get on better with it.

    Hope somebody better qualified than me can figure it out. Hopefully it's relatively straightforward. I've posted about the issue on his Git repository and will respond if I can help.

    FYI - Here's the offending g code. The add-in inserts comments where each replacement was made to the original, so it's fairly easy to see where the changes are.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Oooof.JPG 
Views:	442 
Size:	181.5 KB 
ID:	29231  
    Last edited by Muzzer; 06-12-2020 at 08:32 PM.

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