. .
  1. #1
    Hi Guys
    Has anyone purchased an expanding reamer from rgdtools, if so i am looking for feedback on the quality accuracy of same.
    Don't know why i did it but i purchased a cheap and very nasty item from ebay and it's not fit for purpose so need something a lot better.
    rgdtools item looks reasonable quality but you don't know what you are going to be sent.

  2. #2
    m_c's Avatar
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    I've had a couple of their smaller ones. They're ok. Certainly not high quality, but they done the jobs I needed them to do.
    Avoiding the rubbish customer service from AluminiumWarehouse since July '13.

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  4. #3
    What size hole are you looking to do Mike? I have a few of these in different sizes, you'd be welcome to borrow them being just ont' other side of the big hill.

  5. #4
    Hi Trevor
    34mm - it's for my Trek Pilot, removed the headset(way to tight) and when i checked it with inside calipers it was oval, so only need's a tickle(aluminum)

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by mekanik View Post
    Hi Trevor
    34mm - it's for my Trek Pilot, removed the headset(way to tight) and when i checked it with inside calipers it was oval, so only need's a tickle(aluminum)
    Just checked the ones I have and none go quite that big - sorry!

  7. #6
    No worries Trevor
    I have shifted to plan B/C - B make a mandrel and hand scrape. Have been trying to tidy the shed and came across my delapena hone, when i cleaned the surface rust off it, it has a range of 30mm to 36mm so that's plan C

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