Hi All and Everyone!

I have been browsing the forums for a week by now, and I thought it is time to register and introduce myself.

I am an average IT guy living in Khabarovsk, Russia and working remotely for a Canadian company.

I was always in for DIY stuff, but never had a proper place to work in. I made robots, furniture, electronics and other stuff in my apartment. Currently the apartment is under some major renovation, and it looks like my hobby is no more welcome here So I got myself a small garage and I am planning on building a workshop there, mostly for woodworking.

The garage needs some repairs first, and since I cannot start doing them while it is cold, I am taking my time to make plans for the equipment I am going to have there. Besides essential woodworking stuff such as table saw, miter saw, planer etc, I want to have a CNC router in the shop.

I have some limited experience with CNC machines. Couple years ago I built a small CNC router from aluminium extrusion, with plastic rollers and belt drives on all axis. I did use it to make some household items, folding guitar stands and other things. The machine works pretty well, but I quickly realized that it lacks precision. One of the reasons is obviously insufficient rigidity. The other one is that I did not provide means for adjusting it, relying too much on straightness of the profiles and precision of aluminium parts machined by a friend.

On the forums I see people making beautiful machines out of steel, and I thought that is the way to go for me. I am hoping to learn how I can make a decent machine with a limited set of tools. I am pretty sure a nice machine can be built with just an angle grinder, a welder and a drill