Thread: Merry Christmas from New One
28-11-2009 #1
Hi folks,
Just introducing myself, I've been busy reading through the forum in "data gathering mode" for some time. Excellent website hope to be a fairly active member!
I was originally planning to build a CNC however due to various reason's I ended up buying one in kit form from a UK company:rofl:
yes, I had a large sum of money burning a hole in my pocket, but ..well you could get run over by a bus tomorrow! and you can't take it with you!
I had a limit on my spending but very few ready built machines to choose from, I noticed 2nd hand ones seem to be rarer than I thought, and after months and months of monitoring ebay and the like I took the plunge:surprised:
So Now i'm the proud owner of an A3 size machine, time consuming but fairly easy to put together (instructions are not supplied).
Got a couple of minor problems which I'm trying to sort out with the company.
I've taken photos of the 'build' i.e bolting it together!:heehee:
but i've yet to get it going...I'll keep you posted....if anyone's interested!
28-11-2009 #2
Welcome, come on show us the beasty.
28-11-2009 #3
Hello neo, welcome. :wave:
I look forward to seeing your build photo's
28-11-2009 #4
Thanks for the welcome folks
here's a few photos to wet your appetite
Here's the box it all came in, with a can of beans to give you some idea of what to expect through the letterbox.:heehee:
The second photo shows everything unpacked.
and the last photo shows my 15yr old helping to put it together, start 'em young I say!
Hopefully the photos have uploaded and can be moused over
30-11-2009 #5
Can you guess what it is yet!?!?!?
Nice clear pic’s neo, start a build log in the build log section.
I look forward to seeing how one of these Merchant Dice units go together, will be good to see and also once it starts cutting something.
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