Quote Originally Posted by dazp1976 View Post
You'll have to build him a toroidal DC then if tha's the case.

1: Even if you could get one in the uk it will be at stupid cost!!!!!. Importing coats even more!
2: Op likely (like me) wouldn't have a clue or the confidence to have a go at building one.
3: Not going to buy different drivers (again).
Well, I'm not sure why you think got to import toroidal transformers.? There are plenty of places to buy them in the UK.
Building a DC toroidal PSU isn't difficult or rocket science and there are many examples on this forum, I would also gladly help you or anyone else if asked.

Quote Originally Posted by dazp1976 View Post
I'd have gone either DM860 type drivers and 60Vdc switched. Or ones that can take up to 70Vac straight off a base toroidal, all day long.
He has what he has!!!!!
Why do you assume that.? he could just be asking because he's thinking to buy those drives.! (Which would be a mistake IMO, but that for the OP to decide)

Quote Originally Posted by dazp1976 View Post
Just turn the regulated down to 45V if you're that concerned.
That doesn't get away from the fact it's still a Regulated PSU.

Quote Originally Posted by dazp1976 View Post
I use DM860 and 60V right now and it's never failed me.
Just because it's working for you doesn't mean it's correct or advisable, fitting a regulated linear PSU is like playing Russian roulette and it will at some point give issues that may not always be obvious that they are coming from the PSU.

It doesn't cost much more to do it right the first time and it nearly always works out cheaper in the long run because as you stated above you don't need to "buy drives again" and the machine always works much more reliable, so why when going to so much trouble to build a machine would anyone spoil it for the little extra it takes to do it right is beyond my reasoning.!