If you are looking for 240V/1p to 415V/3p, then Ecogoo (see Aliexpress) do a range of them. A number of people on this forum seem to have used them with success.

My own lathe has a variable speed drive and electro-magnetic brake and given the poor access to the motor, a motor transplant would be quite a task. So it's driven by a 240-415V "thing." It's commercially-built (by a company no longer in business - that might tell you something) and uses a voltage-doubler arrangement feeding the VFD DC bus capacitor. The VFD is an ABB 415-415 device - pretty good quality. It all works fine in practice, but at higher loads the voltage on the DC bus cap sags between input mains pulses (half the usual frequency due to the voltage-doubler) and the VFD trips with the famous "missing input phase" error. And by higher loads, I mean when the lathe is wound up to more than about 2000 rpm (notional max is 2500). That's using the lathe's own speed control - VFD is left on 50Hz. I keep looking at the Ecogoo devices, but my machine is fine most of the time so haven't yet bothered.

Ecogoo are not that expensive - might be worth a look. Don't know who else does things like this. Be interested in Muzzer's comments on what might be inside their boxes -I'm curious!