Quote Originally Posted by routercnc View Post
I have just skip read this post but the following video released by Clough42 as part of his lathe electronic leadscrew motor selection shows comparison testing of steppers and servos. Might be of some interest:

Very interesting. Thank you. In the meantime, I bought a 180W servo motor, but to be honest, I am so far not impressed by that one. I feel that the holding torque is really poor, but maybe there are some parameters I missed and it can be configured better. However, this is version 552, and those have been replaced with version 6 which supposed to be better. I actually complained to the seller because he sold it as the "latest version" but it was obvious that it's not. I contacted the factory and got a reply that this version should not be sold overseas any more. Then I contacted the seller again and he offered me 100% refund, which was accepted. So now I have a free servo I can play with, but in the end, I may need to buy a 400W version if I want good holding torque also.